Donation eCards

Donation eCards

Sending a donation eCard with a personalised message, helps you to take several positive actions at once; you send a stylish personalised greetings to your friend or family. You donate to a good cause, you are kinder to the environment. Best of all, the recipient of your eCard knows you have taken all these positive actions.

The use of eCards, as an alternative to paper based greetings cards, is growing at an exponential rate. The rise in the popularity of eCards is due to factors such as the convenience with which eCard can be sent ( from the comfort of your sofa), as well as eCards being environment-friendly. One small charity said since their eCard pages was launched, hundreds of supporters have used the platform to send greetings, including Christmas greetings, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and other seasons greetings to friends and family.

Charities in the UK, have been using the popularity of eCards, to encourage donations to their causes, thereby increasing their fundraising efforts. Charities using eCards to raise funds, have inadvertently created a sub niche of the eCards market, known as Donation eCard ( An eCard sent only after you have made a donation). Donation eCard are quite different to paid eCards and free eCards.

Why send a donation ecard

Hope Spring Cats Birthday eCards help boost donations

Hope Spring Cats Birthday eCards help boost donations

It is fast!
At the risk of stating the obvious, donation eCards (and other eCards) is the fastests way of sending greetings to friends, family and colleagues. All you have to do is select the donation eCard you wish to send, personalise it, make a donation, click the send button and it is sent! Compare this with having to go to a greetings card shop, taking the card home, write a message on it. You then have to go to the post office or a post box, affx the correct postage stamp and drop it in a letterbox. You will not know for many days, if the card was delivered to the correct address or not.. Compare that with the instant error message you get, if you insert the wrong email address in a donation eCard.

It is cheaper
Donation eCard is definitely cheaper than sending a traditional card. You pay at least £2.99 for a decent paper based card, you affix a postage stamp, which cost at least £0.40. In total you will spend at least £3.40. With a donation ecard, the cost of sending an ecard range from £0.00 to what you wish to donate. With a donation ecard from Friends of the Earth for example, you are encouraged to make a donation, but it is not mandatory. Potentially, you can send a donation ecard free of charge.

It is more environment friendly

One of the best arguments for sending a donation ecard is the environment angle. Here is a list of carbon footprint increasing processes involved in sending a paper based card.

  • A journey to the card shop to buy a card (you can also order cards online).
  • You write, address and take the card to a mailbox or post office.
  • The paper used to manufacture the card and the envelope.
  • The journey from the post office, to the sorting office, to the door of the addresses.

When you add up all the CO2 emission involved in the above process, it is a lot more than CO2 emission involved in sending a donation ecard.

It gives to a good cause
Donation ecards, as opposed to free or paid ecards is the preserve of charities and other good causes. So in addition to all the previously outlined benefits, you have the satisfaction of contributing to a cause you care about. A significant number of UK charities said donations ecard contribute a huge amount to their Christmas fundraising appeal.

Stats and facts about donation eCards and Cards in general
Compared with traditional paper greeting cards, ecard is a recent phenomenon. Definitive statistics on how widely ecards are used in the UK, is yet to emerge. There is however a solid body of statistics on paper based cards. Some of the statistics about traditional cards are informative and directly relevant to ecards. Here are some fun and factual stats about cards, collected by Greeting Cards Association of UK.

Facts and figures about ecards

    It is estimated that everyday cards, such as get well soon, happy birthday etc is worth. £1.163bn.

  • Christmas card market alone, is worth over one billion pounds in 2017.
  • Though some people send donation ecards in the UK. It is estimated that each person still buy about 33 paper based cards each year.
  • Making cards, some of which are turned to donation ecards, is one of the most popular craft hobbies in the UK,
  • It is estimated that charities raise over £50m million in donations from the sale of charity Christmas cards and ecards every year.
  • It is estimated that more than 80% of all cards and ecards buying decision is made by women.

    Additional information about the most popular occasion we sent cards and ecards
    – Christmas
    – Birthday
    – Valentine’s Day
    – Mother’s Day
    – Father’s Day
    – Easter